Your premier foot and leg rehabilitation provider

Podiatrist Perth

Caring for you at every step


Welcome to Foot & Leg Podiatry

At Foot & Leg Podiatry, we take the approach that there is no such thing as foot and leg problems, only solutions.

With a dedicated team of podiatrists, we strive to quickly and correctly address your lower limb concerns. We are proud to be your local podiatry team for a broad array of treatment options for common foot and ankle problems.

Alignment Issues

Before Podiatry Services
After Podiatry Services

Good Alignment

A strong, well-balanced, and healthy foot is a marvel of nature's engineering. Your foot's arch is critical to its correct function and involves specifically shaped and aligned bones.

Standing, walking, running, and jumping are all activities that put a great deal of stress on the arches of your feet. These movements, which we often take for granted as simple actions, mean an increase of three to four times your body weight of force is placed on your feet with each step. That is why it is crucial that your foot has good alignment to allow the arch to function optimally.

Before Podiatry Treatment
After Podiatry Treatment

Poor Alignment

Insufficient joint alignment can lead to your arch appearing to drop and your foot may roll inwards. This may lead to extra tension and strain being applied to the underlying structures.

Your body may adjust and deal with an arch collapse over time. However, many people feel pain in their feet, knees, hips, and lower back. In these cases, our team can utilise methods such as foot mobilisation and other techniques to assess, address and improve the associated pain and weakness.

Foot Mobilisation, Custom Orthotics and Sports Podiatry

It is easy to not appreciate the importance of our feet and legs until we feel pain and discomfort. At the Foot & Leg Podiatry clinic in Perth, we are taking strides in providing comprehensive, patient-centred podiatry services. Whether you are suffering from foot, heel, or knee pain, our podiatrists in Mount Lawley, Bassendean and Warwick can help you work towards finding relief.

As a trusted, local team of health professionals, our aim is to alleviate your pain and improve your quality of life. With three clinics across Perth, our podiatrists can provide foot care and podiatry services to the northern, eastern, western, and southern Suburbs including MorleyBayswaterInglewood, Maylands, Highgate, Menora, North Perth, Leederville, Victoria Park, Como, Manning & more. Our podiatrists have your feet covered!

Podiatrist in Perth

Reliable Perth

We deliver high-quality podiatry services that you can trust. With three locations conveniently located across Perth, it is simple to book an appointment as soon as possible. Our podiatrists truly care about what we do and this is shown by the reputable and professional service we provide.

Foot Doctor Perth

Meet Our Podiatry Team

Our team looks forward to meeting you and working towards your improved comfort, functionality, and mobility. If you are experiencing issues, please contact our friendly team to organise your first appointment.

News And Resources

Parents Guide to Children’s Foot Pain & Knee Pain
Heel Pain , Kids Podiatry

Parents Guide to Children’s Foot Pain & Knee Pain

Common Children’s Foot Pain & Knee Pain: It’s not all roses and lullabies - sometimes children get injured. They start to complain of pain in

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How to Choose a Podiatrist
Heel Pain , Kids Podiatry , Knee Pain , Sports Podiatry , Warts

How to Choose a Podiatrist

Choosing Your Podiatrist in Perth   Your feet govern how the rest of your skeletal structure works, so if your feet are misaligned for instance,

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Perth Podiatrist FAQ – Do Bad Feet Cause Knee Pain?
Knee Pain , Sports Podiatry

Perth Podiatrist FAQ – Do Bad Feet Cause Knee Pain?

Are Your Feet the Cause of Your Knee Pain? Welcome back to another Perth Podiatry Blog, and today we’re discussing if your feet are to

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Dont Wait!

Get better now, book an appointment with one of our experienced podiatrists today.

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